Do you like tales of underdogs, struggles against corrupt politicos, heroism, heartbreak, fighting, and making up? Enjoy 20th century history, especially World War 2? Like tales of rural America and tough people?
COUNTED AS CAST, produced by yours truly, is the podcast for you!
It’s been a few years since I put together the Counted as Cast series about the Battle of Athens, Tennessee, America’s only successful armed rebellion since the American Revolution, according to author Chris DeRose (who I later interviewed). In the meantime, national conversations have gotten a little easier, and a little less fraught with predictions of civil war.
But the story is still one of my favorites, and carries enduring lessons about civil society, social breaking points, and how people treat their enemies.
Right now I’m working on a few things and not posting anything new, but you’ll like my old stuff if you liked my new stuff.
You can find the full podcast and more on the Tinderbox channel, wherever you find podcasts, including Spotify: